Barely a month goes by these days without seeing the launch of another new online consumer legal directory.
That’s no bad thing in my book – competition is healthy – but in the case of Law Superstore, they are at pains to point out that it’s much more than a directory.
In an exuberant recent announcement, “Just another directory’ and other misconceptions: here’s what you need to know about The Law Superstore”, CEO Matthew Briggs talks at length about the features of the new lawyer comparison site.
Briggs says:
“The Law Superstore is most definitely not a directory. Our technology goes far beyond any of the directories currently on the market and the functionality of our bespoke platform is considerably more advanced than anything currently available to the legal profession.”
Law Superstore, which has secured private equity funding, is due to launch in Spring 2016.
Chrissie Lightfoot, a legal consultant who has backed the site, says that the service “may become the ‘google for legal services’ not unlike, Go, Compare The Market .com and Money in their respective sectors.”
Bold claims, but I wish them the best.
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